

I, like so many other Melbournians, Australians and Irish around the world, have been deeply affected by the passing of Jill Meagher.

To anyone that raises even the softest breath or finger to a keypad to say 'she shouldn't have...' or 'it's unwise to...': I say, Get fucked. Get real. Get empathetic... and Get off the internet. Clementine Ford articulated this somewhat better than I can. Do read.

I was walking home at the same time as Jill last Saturday morning. I often do. So do my female friends that live in various inner Melbourne suburbs. The CCTV footage, although shaking, was testament to the regular nightime busy-ness of the popular street. I've always felt safe in Melbourne. We should. This apparent safety is one of the reasons Melbourne is ranked as the world's most livable city.
Yes, unfortunately there are some dangers in this world and we should be cautious, and my goodness we will all be mighty cautious from hereon, but let's spend our energy sending good wishes and condolences to Jill's loved ones.

I won't rant on but I will say I am heartened by the palpable extra care friends and strangers are showing each other over the last few days. It's not just women. Men are as shaken. Tonight, a very sweet restaurant waiter farewelled my friend and I in the most caring manner. On the tram home the passengers seemed quiet and respectful, not the usual Friday night tomfoolery. There can be no silver lining to such a tragedy, but Jill's passing has reminded us to express our care and respect for each other.

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the strength and sensitivity Jon Faine demonstrated in the past week. My thoughts are with all of Jill's friends, family and colleagues.

Rest in the greatest peace, dear Jill xx